Learning Library Segments
Shawn Camp
Primary Use of Medium: PaintInterviewer: Donna Wetegrove
Interview Location:
Interview Date: 9.23.2007
Writer: Lori Henika
Videographer/Audio Editor: Josh Kinney
Art Form/Product
Green Aspects
Marketing Values
Special Offering
Additional Comments
Artist Profile
What Type Of Artist Do You See Yourself As?"A painter. The art expands to sculptural, site-specific installations, and collages."
How Did You Get Here?
Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?
Art Form/Product
How Would You Describe Your Work?"I use a lot of paint. I go through a lot of paint, and lot of ink, and really concentrate on building up the surface itself."
Why Do You Like The Medium?
"The painting itself is a landscape."
What Brings Your Medium To Life?
"If you're pushing it to make it the best, sometimes you'll push it just a little too far, and it'll just descend into just terrible painting. So I think that, that kind of risk taking, that kind of just immersion into the act itself is really what drives me."
Does The Material Dictate The Design, Or Does Your Design Idea Dictate How The Material/Medium Is Used?
"I'll ... start off with ideas, with the particular piece I'm working on, color ideas and imagery ideas, but the process is what's most important to me."
What Tools Are Required In Your Process?
"I start off with scissors and knives and cutting out phrases and words that I think kind of connect but in this kind of indirect sort of way, and with medium, with acrylic mat medium, I'll kind of glue them to the surface and then I'll start separating the surface into the sections, sometimes with pen or with pencils, things like that. And then I'll come in with the acrylic paint and lay down washes and kind of start separating the composition out in terms of color and value, and then after all that's done, then I'll come in with the oil paint on top of the surface."
Do You Consider It Functional Art?
"I think part of what makes art special is that it's beyond function."
Please Speak About The Connections In Your Work.
"I'm really interested in not just the painted area, but the space around the painted area and between the painted areas, and even the way the light will hit the panels and create shadow, and just the whole interaction with the wall and the environment with the object of the painting."
Please Summarize Your Entire Process. "Sometimes I'll start off with an idea that it ends up looking completely different than the original and it's that creative process that makes it exciting for me."
Do You Recommend What You Do As A Career Choice? Why?
"It's something you just really have to believe in it, you really have to commit to it and stick with it."
Green Aspects
Please Point Out Any "Green" Aspects Of Your Process And Your Medium."I think the process of making art is inherently un-green in the sense that you're making stuff. The last thing the world needs is more stuff, right?"
Marketing Values
Please Talk About Making Multiples Of A Creative Effort As A Part Of Your Business.Where Do You See Your Creativity Evolving?
Special Offering
Additional Comments
Artist Profile:
Shawn CampWebsite: www.shawncamp.net
Email: tipsonart@yahoo.com for comments on this Learning Library Segment
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